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Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


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Village Caucus January 8, 2018

Village of Almond Caucus January 8, 2018 Members present: J. Riggenbach, B. Roehrborn, K. Olson, S. Bunders Visitors present: Carl Schmidt President K. Trzebiatowski called the Caucus to order at 6:30 pm. K. Olson nominated Spence Bunders for the position of Village Trustee, seconded by J. Riggenbach. J. Riggenbach nominated Kurt Olson for the position of Village Trustee, seconded by S. Bunders. J. Riggenbach nominated Susan Sanchez for the position of Village Trustee, seconded by K. Olson. H. Iwanski nominated Carl Schmidt for the position of Village Trustee, seconded by B. Roehrborn. After 3 calls for nominations, B. Roehrborn made a motion, seconded by J. Riggenbach to close nominations. Motion carried 4-0. B. Roehrborn made a motion, seconded by S. Bunders to adjourn the Caucus. Motion carried 4-0. Heidi Iwanski Clerk