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Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


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Village of Almond Board Minutes April 11, 2016

Almond Village Board Meeting April 11, 2016 Board Members Present: J. Riggenbach, B. Roehrborn, Spence Bunders, R. Burns and K. Stucker. Visitors: Ed Schultz President K. Trzebiatowski called the meeting to order at 7pm. B. Roehrborn made a motion and seconded by J. Riggenbach to approve the minutes of the March meeting. Motion carried 4-0. S. Bunders made a motion and seconded by R. Burns to approve the Treasurers report. Motion carried 5-0. K. Stucker made a motion and seconded by S. Bunders to approve the April disbursements. Motion carried 5-0. John Pagel wants to wait till later in the year for the Lagoon Survey. We received four applications for the Collection Site job. B. Roehrborn made a motion and seconded by R. Burns that the Personnel Committee interview two of the applicants and hire the most qualified applicant. Motion carried 5-0. The Personnel Committee will meet on April 20th. At the Election K. Stucker received 109 votes, Spence Bunders received 74 votes and Kurt Olson received 66 votes. Changes to update the Ordinance Book. R. Burns made a motion and seconded by B. Roehrborn to change Title VI: Licensing and Regulations Chapter 5: Direct Sellers-Page 47- 6-5-7 Records –Remove Chief of Police and insert President. Motion carried 5-0. R. Burns made a motion and seconded by S. Bunders to change Title IX: Land Usage Chapter 1: Dwelling Code-Page 4- 9-1-6-B Zoning permit required-Remove: residing, re-roofing, finishing of interior surfaces and installation of cabinetry shall be exempted from permit requirements. Motion carried 5-0. R. Burns made a motion and seconded by J. Riggenbach to remove Title IX Chapter 2 Page 47- Zoning 9-2-96(A)(3)(c). Motion carried 5-0. R. Burns made a motion and seconded by B. Roehrborn to change 9-2-96 (A)(7) take out 24 months and insert 1 year. Motion carried 5-0. R. Burns made a motion and seconded by S. Bunders to add to Title IX Chapter 2 Page 47- Zoning 9-2-96C Remodel Permit-A remodel permit will be required for any routine interior or exterior repairs or maintenance, including: painting, wallpapering, replacing floor coverings, replacing the furnace, water heater or central air conditioning, replacing the roof, chimney or windows and outside concrete work (i.e. sidewalks, or slab of concrete), if the repairs or maintenance exceed $2000. Motion carried 5-0. J. Riggenbach and B. Roehrborn will be taking the Board of review class. President K. Trzebiatowski appointed Jaclyn Lemke Clerk for two years. B. Roehrborn made a motion and seconded by R. Burns to approve the Presidents appointment of Jaclyn Lemke Clerk. Motion carried 5-0. J. Riggenbach made a motion and seconded by R. Burns to adjourn. Motion carried 5-0. Jaclyn Lemke, Clerk